Monday, May 18, 2009

Forever & Always

Music has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was 4, my parents thought it was hilarious to dress me up and bring me downstairs to the restaurant/bar we lived over, and have me sing to the people having dinner there. My father worked there, and my parents were friends with a lot of the people who worked and ate there. Apparently it was adorable lol. Living over a bar meant really loud music until 4 in the morning, so I had to learn to sleep with music blasting.
My mother also loves to tell the story of when I was 6, and the song "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston would come on the radio, I would drap a step stool over to the radio and stand there in my pajamas and belt out the song.
Since I was 12, I've been writing song lyrics and poetry. It's a release to me. I pour all of my emotion into it, and sometimes I come out with a great song or poem.
For as long as I can remember, when I'm upset, angry, sad, happy, whatever emotion...I play music to get me through whatever situation I'm in. I search for songs that speak to me. I can't go even one day without listening to music, my world feels off balance.

Today, I just had my itunes on shuffle while I was cleaning, and a few songs came on the I realized, I have a long history with. Some of these songs I can distinctly remember listening to when I was crying, or when I was really pissed off. These songs, and music in general, is almost like a support system for me when I'm going through something. There are probably 100 different ways to interpret 1 song. That's what I love about music: it means something different to each person, or it could even mean different things to the same person depending on their mood, state of mind, and time in their life.

Music is a beautiful thing, it's one of the most beautiful things. The ability to take a problem, and put it into words, and make sense of the world if only for a few minutes. You know that you are truly in love with music when you're going through something, and you put on a song, close your eyes, and just lose yourself in the song. When you can completely block out the world and focus on this song, and when it's over, you feel at least a little bit better.

I am, and will always be, in love with music.