Monday, May 18, 2009

Can you BE friends with an ex?

Lol ok...I know this makes blog # 3 for today...but I just needed to say one more thing, and then I'm done for the night.
Earlier today I told the stupid boy that I think we should be friends right now. Like for real, we talk, maybe hang out, but no mushy feelings and all that. And I told him that we were free to see whoever we wanted. I told him that I probably would hang out with or date other guys over the summer, while he worked his shit out with possibly being a dad. And I said that after he figured everything out, we would see if we could or would want to be in a relationship again.

I honestly think that was the best possible thing I could have done for myself. I'm not depressed because he'll still be in my life, and being friends gives us a chance to work through some stuff, and kind of start over. Because I know if I were to be in a relationship with him right now, I'd hold a lot of anger and resentment for him. I love him, I don't want to end up hating him. And I like having the freedom to hook up or date other people. And there's also the possibility of being with him at a later date. So in theory, it's a great set-up. Lets see if we can actually BE friends...and seeing him...mehhhh! I know I'll want to kiss him and be in his arms. And I feel like the kissing defeats the whole purpose behind being friends...idk.

1 comment:

  1. I say give it a go because you never know where it can take you. But from my own personal experiences it's difficult just being friends because it's not like the romantic feelings suddenly go away and transform into just friendly feelings. The romantic feelings will still be their coming from the both of you but as long as you can keep them under control & understand that you both agreed on just being friends I don't see why it wouldn't work. I also think it's a good idea that you mentioned that you are free to do what you want with other people because thats a good way to balance everything out. It'll be a lot of hard work but it isn't impossible.
