Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We all say we want to stop, and we all mean it when we say it, but when it comes down to actually slowing down or one really does it. In the past year of smoking on a daily basis, we have had 8 people in our crew that smoke on the daily, and only one person out of eight was able to put down the blunt and actually walk away.
Because it's only bud, people brush off the fact that we smoke daily because they attribute it to a college thing or just a phase they're going through, no one understands that this shit is addicting. The bud itself may not be addictive, but the feeling of being high is addicting. I've had conversations with several people over the past few days and everyone is saying the same thing...we need to stop smoking all the time. But no one has made the first step.
The truth's a big part of our group. No one wants to admit it, but it is. What do we always do? Smoke. If we're sober and trying to think of something to do, the first thing suggested is to smoke. In a group so big, there will always be one person having a bad day, and we use this (among others) as a justification to smoke. I do it too, if I'm having a bad day, I always turn to the blunt. Can we try dealing with our issues sober? I don't know about you, but that's what I plan to do. It's a crutch that I do not need.

1 comment:

  1. yo honestly i've sat and thought myself....why are we all friends? it's like those random white ppl we see while standing at the smoking spot and then you engage in mindless conversation. once the cig is done you walk away and forget you met them. why is the group of 8 holding on to each other? it's not like we do things a group of friends would do...go out to the movies, eat, chill...all we do is get together and get drunk or destiny was read to me and i really want to start listening to it. then we'll see how "friendly" we are. who will move forward and who will be left behind?
