Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Money Troubles

I'm having a minor heart attack. You know how you know there's a problem, but you kinda stop worrying about it when the problem isn't always in your face?
That's how the whole being behind on the rent thing was for me. But my landlord just knocked on our door. And I listened in on their conversation, and now I'm gettin really nervous again. My mom hasn't paid the rent for May and we're already into the month of June, and that's not even counting the 4 months rent we owe already. I'm gonna be lucky not to be out on my ass before the summer is over. =[

1 comment:

  1. Honestly i think you should speak to your dad about what is going on because you are his child AND NO MATTER WHAT HE HAS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR YOU ALWAYS. I know you don't like asking for help but everyone needs help girl and I think now is the time. KEEP SMILING.
