Sunday, January 10, 2010

One Big Tangent

My new year's resolutions are(in no particular order)...
To have a better relationship with my mom
Take better care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally
Not being so negative
Let go of the past
Love myself more (seems like an odd one I know, but like I said before...I tend to only see the bad things about myself)
Do better in school

I don't know if that's all of them, but those are the ones I could think of now.
Now let's see if I can make that happen. People like to think that wishing or praying for something means that some higher being or some power in the world will make it happen. I generally don't like to touch on religion for a few reasons...1. because religion is a very sensitive area for a lot of people and 2. because I'm not really sure what I believe. I'm still looking for a religion I can be comfortable with. A lot of religions promote ideals and beliefs that I don't necessarily agree with, so it's hard. But the religion I have been most comfortable with is Wicca. My mom practices Wicca, so I've been around that for most of my life. People are usually put off by it because they associate Wicca with spells and incantations and unnatural things. BUT if you think about's pretty similar to Christianity. Christians believe that there is one God, while Wiccans believe there are multiple Gods and Goddesses. When a Christian prays for something, they are asking for God's help. When a Wiccan does a spell, that's their form of prayer. They are calling to a God or Goddess to help them with something.
Yeah yeah I go off on tangents, but the point is...I don't know Christianity at all, and i won't pretend to, so I don't know if someone that follows Christianity believes that if you pray to God for something, He will make it happen for them, or if God will assist them in what they are asking for. Wiccans believe that they are asking a God or Goddess for help, as well as sending out energy into the world to make what they want happen. However, Wiccans do understand that they can't just do a spell and expect the results to just happen. And there is the fact of when you do a spell, whatever energy you put out in the world will come back to you three-fold. For example...if you ask for money, you may get it. But somewhere down the line you will lose 3 times as much. In Wicca, there is no room to be selfish. Instead of asking for money, one would ask to have the opportunity to MAKE that money or borrow it from somewhere.
Yeah...this blog was all over the place lol.

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