Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In sickness & in health or until the going gets rough?

Lately I've been seeing stories about couples who have been together for decades. It makes me wonder if it's possible for people in our day and age to have that. This generation is obsessed with having things when they want it; courting has been reduced to meeting someone, texting/calling (aka "talking") and then it seems that things deteriorate into just sex. While sex is a great thing, why is it that things need to move in that direction so quickly? People don't spend enough time getting to know each other before hey jump into bed. And then the person who inevitably gets hurt wonders what went wrong...maybe if you keep it in your pants a while longer, things might turn out differently. You may find that they aren't right for you before you sleep with them, or maybe it'll be more meaningful if you wait.
My point is...how do people get to celebrating their 20 or 30+ year anniversary? How do they stay together through everything that life may try to throw at them? What is it about previous generations that makes it possible while it is highly unlikely and rarely heard of for our generation? I want to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I don't want to be one of those people who have been through multiple divorces. I want the person I choose to spend my life with to be the one and only for me.

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