Sunday, May 10, 2009

Turning Point

I didn't realize that I haven't written in a few days. Life has just been really hectic lately.
I'm writing this blog in hopes that I can de-stress for a few minutes. I have a 15 page paper due tomorrow, and of course I procrastinated until the last possible second to do it.

Also, a friend has been going through a rough break-up, and I gave that friend advice. But I realized that that advice was for her, but it was kind of for me too. I told her "You were in love, you got cheated on, but the bitch was obviously stupid because she didn't realize what she had when she had it, and she's dumb as hell cuz she let you go. She's obviously not worth doing some reckless shit and fucking up ur life just because she's a retard."
It may not be the same situation, but it applies for me too. Stupid people are all I get love life wise. And hopefully one day that will change, and I'll meet someone amazing, but for now I gotta roll with the punches. I'm surrounded by incompetent men who obviously don't know how lucky they were when they had me, and are stupid enough to let me go. And obviously that's not ok, but I guess I finally realized that my life can't come to a halt because my love life didn't work out. Yes, I'm in some pain over this stupid boy, but I can't just crawl in bed and cry my eyes out, because I have a life to contend with. I have finals, and friends, and other things. So for now...I am going to use the pain I feel, turn it into anger, and use that anger as motivation. I'll be sad when I have time.
This may be simple and common knowledge to everyone else, but to me, it was a revelation. The fact that I could use that advice, and really do it. Really just put it out of mind, and when I can't force him out of my mind, turn it into's absolutely beautiful! No, I don't enjoy being angry, but right now, it beats being sad.
I'm almost glad that I'm so busy right now, I don't have time to think about anything other than what I need to get done.
Ok...a little less stressed =] Back to the paper from hell lol

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