Thursday, August 5, 2010

Don't be afraid

The last line of my horoscope today was "don't be afraid of wanting more." The entire horoscope was geared toward financial security, which, if you know me at all, you know is one of my biggest concerns in life. I've spent my entire life barely scraping by, or unable to get by. And my primary goal for my future is to be well enough off that I don't have to wonder how I'll pay the rent or how I'll buy groceries. My ideal life would include owning my own home, a car, and having enough money to travel when I want to. So basically what you would call the American Dream.
I, by no means, want to be rich. I find it pointless. You buy crap you don't need or want, you squander money, you have to wonder who is in your life because they love you and who is there to get a hand out. I think that people should only be wealthy if they have truly earned it. So when/if I have kids, there will be no handing them whatever they want. They will earn everything they get. In my ideal world...I will have become successful and well-off, and essentially "pulled myself up by my boot straps" and I want my children to know the value of money and of hard work.
Also...I feel that the last line in my horoscope applies to more than financial issues. The horoscopes I get every day touch me in some way because they touch upon some aspect of my life that is relevant at that time. I am always scared to want more. I'm always scared that I'll want something, commit to trying to get it, and fail. I'm scared that someone will tell me I don't deserve more. But, like I said earlier, this summer has shown me that I deserve whatever the hell it is I want in life. I deserve whatever I want. Well maybe deserve isn't the right word, deserve implies you've earned it. And while I do think that the things I have suffered through thus far in my life entitles me to some things, I know I still have to work for what I want.
-I want to graduate on time with a good gpa
-I want to get into a good grad school
-I want a good job
-I want a peaceful and successful Senior year
-I want to love and be loved by someone
-I want to leave the past in the past and stop looking back
-I want an apartment when I graduate.
-I want confidence in spades
-I want to find my worth in myself and not in others
-I want to not get caught up in other people's drama/problems/bullshit

1 comment:

  1. Surely you will get whatever you want... Everything should be happen at the right time..
